Daily Archives: March 14, 2016

Ten Years from Now

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imagesI often find myself sitting in my office with my intolerably delicious sugar-free, gluten-free, antibiotic-free, and taste-free diet shake with more unpronounceable ingredients than you can imagine. I am sure I am going to get deathly ill someday for all my effort to be skinny and healthy. Anyway, after I shake up the drink and get busy “eating lunch” I hear a knock on the door from a student who has a question. Should they take that call or this class – spend their time doing this or that – read plays or lounge out in the sun with friends? These questions are hard to give simple answers. There is a TEMPTATION to tell them to the pick the hardest, most demanding of the options – but I am not sure if that is always the answer. Read more