Monthly Archives: October 2016

Is It Time for Loving?

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unknownIn Directing class we were discussing the current status of our all-school musical. Each of the assistant directors has had a different vantage point but they all agree on the same issues. In a cast of 40+ actors they are finding it difficult to keep everyone on the same page; some of the actors are peaking and need more reassurance; some actors are just tired and have checked out the process; Read more

Walking Into Your House

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imagesIt is odd to walk into the final tech rehearsals of a show that is not yours – in a space that you have used many times before yourself. The building is oh, so familiar: the same squeaky seat, broken wall plug, and tripping point on the steps. Many of the students look familiar. They have been with you in that space – it was just indifferent arrangements and wearing different clothes. Read more

Dangerous Love Letters

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danger-zoneToday in Company we shared the annual Dangerous Love Letter assignment.  The students were simply asked to write a “dangerous love letter.” They were asked to write the letter in pen and not on a computer. They were asked to seal the letter in an envelope and KNOW that this letter was NEVER going to be open and NEVER going leave their sight. The hope was they could fully explore the concept of dangerous writing. Read more

Fact Checking

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unknownEvery night on TV, as this presidential campaign draws to a blessed close, the news station flashes to a section called Fact Checking. Here they take all of the speeches of the day and put them up against what another group calls the “facts.” I am not sure how well this works, because the facts sound about as credible as the inferences.
Anyway – I was sitting at my desk Read more

Just as I Sat Down!

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unknownAt the very moment that I opened this Bloggo program on my Mac to get a workin’ on tonight’s blog, my computer went “bing.” Of course, it goes “bing” for a hundred and one reasons so I had to look through all of the icons to see if any were wigglin’ or blinkin’. Then I found it. I just received a Facebook message from a wonderful student attending Carnegie Melon.  He was so gracious and said that he ppreciated my theatre history class in that it made him so well prepared for theatre history in college. He even captured what, I guess, is one of my signature phrases as I discuss plays, “Imma thinkin” Read more