Monthly Archives: May 2016

Guarding the Door

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imagesToday went far beyond the “end of the year crazy”.” Today went far beyond the “seniors are so out of here.” Soon after I got set up in the class to begin the day, it all went bad. School bells would not be ringing today to minimize interruptions in testing. I get it. We would not be on the class scheduled that was set last Friday – nor the schedule of Saturday’s e-mail, but a new schedule that only some believed we were actually on – ???. I get it. Read more

Roast Beef and Musical Theatre

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UnknownIn that I am a serious teacher of serious theatre and want only serious things to happen on stage. My students are always amazed that I attend anything related to musical theatre. They step back and ask me if I know that tonight’s show isn’t going to be more then just a lot of show tunes. I know. I like show tunes. I ain’t THAT dang serious. Read more

Eating Dessert in the Hall

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imagesJust as the year is drawing to a close the interest in setting productions for next year begins wake up. After the endless looking and re-looking at the calander and the survey of time, people and money – – it is time to put some show titles on the calander.

The plays I choose go on a fairly predictable cycle. One year the absurdist/experimental work, one year the blood and guts drama, one year the total cotton-candy silliness of a Feydeau farce. I had my Metamorphoses. I had my Shadow Box – and now I am ready for my Feydeau silliness. I liken it to having a bit of a bizzare appetizer (experimental theatre), a hearty meal (realistic drama) and now’s the time for dessert! Read more

What Do You Do Out There?

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UnknownOn the way to school today, I stopped by a gas station. While pumping away, I observed a woman – quite uptight and talking endlessly to herself. She was obviously preparing for a BIG day at work and working through all of the possible outcomes. She had her lunch, a coffee, lots of anxiety and a full tank of guess. She was ready for the day! Read more