What Do You Do Out There?

UnknownOn the way to school today, I stopped by a gas station. While pumping away, I observed a woman – quite uptight and talking endlessly to herself. She was obviously preparing for a BIG day at work and working through all of the possible outcomes. She had her lunch, a coffee, lots of anxiety and a full tank of guess. She was ready for the day!

It then occurred to me that I had no idea what it was like to be her and go to a “her” kind of job. What must it be like to go to a job with people of the same age who grew up watching the same shows and listening to the same music? What is it like to work with a group of people that get progressively older and older with each passing year? What is it like to actually see the folks at work show up year after year after year – instead of disappearing every four years?

They keep working in the summer? They don’t deal with public displays of affection? They don’t ask permission to urinate? They aren’t all focused on breaking free of home. What? What does that workday look like? It sounds tempting at times – especially when proctoring for the third hour running – – but I must say “No – – no thank you.” You grown ups scare me.

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