Daily Archives: October 13, 2020

One Day Beyond

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Today is my birthday!  That is a great and wonderful thing.  62 has arrived and now I am magically recognized by actuaries for the United States government as a retired man heading into those numerically limited years.  Yes I can now take Social Security, but, of course, I shall be waiting until 70 to do so in that the money is MUCH better.

But today is more memorable for me than Social Security.  My father lived until he was 62.  Fighting through cancer for 5 years, he finally succumbed at 62.  And now I am 62.  It is a bit sad and I do miss my father and his unique insights but today is also a celebration.  Everyday that I can live longer than my father is a gift indeed – –  and I intend to appreciate every day of it!  Here is a picture of dad and I. – – shortly before needing my britches changed I would imagine.