First Thing in the Morning

Yesterday, I had a rather interesting taste of irony in the classroom. In that we are now just days away from Christmas Break, I am fortunate to have many students – particularly those who just graduated last year – come back and spend sometime with my current classes of seniors to share a bit of their journey leading them from seniors through auditions, college selections, money management and actually being a part of the a freshman college class.

The irony – and it was a doozie played out this way. One of our more talented seniors who is always late – always magically being allowed to check himself in late every time the spirit moves him to not attend first period was, today, in class at the start of the bell. One of the visitors to the class graduated high school last spring and went off to attend a most prestigious theatre program up north. Now, while in high school, this particular graduate was known to be quite talented but not always attending as punctually as one might. In a sense this senior and graduate were rather peas of the same pod.

The oh, so sweet moment was when the college freshman told the tardy-driven senior that he will be having a DAILY yoga class at eight in the morning and that to miss even ONE class puts you in jeopardy to getting kicked out of school. You think things are arbitrary and touch here in high school? You ain’t seen nothing yet!

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