Daily Archives: August 15, 2015

The Smartest Guy in the Room

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Unknown-1Am I the smartest guy in the classroom? I mean, shouldn’t I be? After all, I am the one getting the paycheck. But am I the smartest guy? Many folks in education believe that the most important thing in the classroom is to have the answers. The more correct answers you have – the smarter you are – AND the one with the most answers in the classroom is clearly the smartest one in the room. But I differ! I think that “answers” are highly overrated. I mean, if you just want answers why don’t you use Google or a hundred other websites. Teaching answers only takes you so far – and often the answers of today become out-of-date tomorrow. Isn’t that the basis behind the common student complaint, “I am never going to use this.”? I think they are right. Really, what are all of those answers ever going to do to help feed your face or prepare you for your future? Read more

The Creepy in Teaching

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UnknownAs school moves to a new year and a new set of craziness and challenges, you can see the newspapers full of the opinions on public education. Some find it to be a noble profession – – working for the love of children and the future of our country – – others site public eduation as the reason that they would want to drive off the edge of a bridge. Both are true, I suppose, but on a much more simple level, I find teaching to be just a bit creepy. Stay with me. When the majority of the world heads off the to work world they are with a group of people that age along with them. Year by year, everyone gets just a bit greyed, just a bit more wrinkled, a bit closer to the faded blush of fall. Read more